Friday, January 2, 2015

End of Semester

12 posts was a lofty goal for a month full of finals and family events. I figure if I'm ever going to blog I'll have to make the photo posts shorter and sweeter.

1. Festival of Trees

2. Decorated our apartment a la IKEA Christmas style.

(lots of puzzles too)
 3. Christmas Concert/ Devotional performance

Yes I am including a snapchat of me sent to me via bf as in best friend and I am not ashamed to do so.
Other bf got to come to the concert and endure an hour and a half of strangers singing!

Other activities included hot chocolate centered events, finishing finals, watching the MoTab concert with a true love Santino Fontana, starting winter break and going to the Kurt Bestor Christmas concert with my momma and aunt. The holiday season went by quickly as usual but I loved it all the same. No one is ready for January, but I'm going to do the best I can to love it. Merry late Christmas and happy 2015!

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